Saturday, April 4, 2020

DNC Members Discuss Changing Rules To Stop Sanders From Getting Nomination At Convention, Report Says

Members of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) have reportedly started discussing the implementation of a plan aimed at harming Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), a socialist, in hopes of derailing his campaign.

“In conversations on the sidelines of a DNC executive committee meeting and in telephone calls and texts in recent days, about a half-dozen members have discussed the possibility of a policy reversal to ensure that so-called superdelegates can vote on the first ballot at the party’s national convention,” Politico reported. “Such a move would increase the influence of DNC members, members of Congress and other top party officials, who now must wait until the second ballot to have their say if the convention is contested.”

Politico noted that it’s an uphill battle for those who want the rule change, but that “the talks reveal the extent of angst that many establishment Democrats are feeling on the eve of the Iowa caucuses.”

“The decision to relegate superdelegates – now called ‘automatic delegates’ – to the second ballot in a contested convention consumed the DNC for nearly two years after the 2016 election. Superdelegates overwhelmingly sided with Hillary Clinton, infuriating Sanders’ supporters,” Politico added. “The rule change was widely viewed as a major victory for the Democratic Party’s left flank. At the time, Perez called the delegate overhaul ‘historic,’ while progressive Democrats and many moderates lauded its appeal to young voters skeptical of centralized party power.”

The Democrat Party has already started to put its thumb on the scales with new rules that it announced that favored Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg.

The New York Times reported:

The D.N.C. announced Friday that in order to participate in the debate, set for Feb. 19 in Las Vegas, a candidate must win at least a single delegate in either the Iowa caucuses or the New Hampshire primary or meet polling requirements.

It has eliminated the requirement that candidates must have received donations from hundreds of thousands of individuals. Mr. Bloomberg, a multibillionaire, is running a self-funded campaign and is not soliciting donations.

The changes, which represent the most significant tightening of debate requirements this cycle, set off a fresh and pointed round of criticism at a critical moment in the race, as several campaigns braced for the reality check that the Iowa caucuses will provide. And the edict from party officials, which some saw as a concession to Mr. Bloomberg, quickly reignited concerns among those who believe the D.N.C.’s shifting rules for the debates privilege some candidates and campaigns over others.

The Sanders campaign responded by telling The New York Times: “To now change the rules in the middle of the game to accommodate Mike Bloomberg, who is trying to buy his way into the Democratic nomination, is wrong. That’s the definition of a rigged system.”

Just before jumping into the race, @MikeBloomberg gave $325,000 to the DNC, on top of the gobs he spent on ads this month. Totally normal system.

— Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) January 31, 2020

Failed far-left Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein responded to Politico’s report by writing on Twitter: “Desperate DNC members consider rule change to let superdelegates vote on 1st ballot to stop Sanders. If the DNC rigs another election against its voters, it’ll be asking for biggest #DemExit yet by those who want an actually democratic party. #DNCRigging”

Dave Wasserman, U.S. House editor of the non-partisan Cook Political Report, wrote: “Yeah, this is going to end well.”

Left-wing journalist Ben Norton wrote: “After rigging the primary in 2016 and stealing numerous states from Bernie Sanders, a small group of unelected corporate-funded DNC elites are plotting to steal the election from him again, reversing the policy to give unelected superdelegates more power.”

New York Times columnist Elizabeth Bruenig wrote: “they’re going to throw it to trump, but that’s alright with them, because he’s not going to raise their taxes”

This is a developing news story, refresh the page for updates.

Original Article : HERE

from MetNews

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