Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Who are the major election casualties?

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Predictions for major scalps this year ranged from the foreign secretary to the prime minister. But in the event, who are the high profile politicians to lose out in the 2019 general election?

Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson

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Media captionJo Swinson: “Nationalism is sweeping both sides of the border”

Jo Swinson, who began the campaign saying she was standing to be PM, was emotional as she thanked her family for their support after losing her Dunbartonshire East seat by just 149 votes.

Following the defeat by the Scottish National Party’s Amy Callaghan, Ms Swinson said: “Some will be celebrating the wave of nationalism that is sweeping on both sides of the borders.

“But let me say now, for millions of people in our country these results will bring dread and dismay.

“I still believe that we as a country can be warm and generous inclusive and open and that by working together with our nearest neighbours we can achieve so much more.”

The 39-year-old was first elected as an MP in 2005. She held on to her seat until 2015, when she lost out to the SNP’s John Nicolson.

The seat exchanged hands once again in 2017 when she beat Mr Nicolson. She became leader of the Liberal Democrats in July 2019.

Former attorney general Dominic Grieve

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Former Conservative Dominic Grieve, who fought many battles against Brexit in the House of Commons, was among those to lose his seat.

He was once the party’s attorney general but was kicked out by Boris Johnson earlier this year after he backed a bill to try to stop a no-deal Brexit.

Mr Grieve ran as an independent for his seat of Beaconsfield and won the support of more than 16,000 voters.

But he was beaten by the new Tory candidate Joy Morrissey, who won with 32,477 votes.

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DUP deputy leader (and Westminster leader) Nigel Dodds

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The Democratic Unionist Party’s deputy leader since 2008, Nigel Dodds had been North Belfast MP since 2001, taking the seat from Ulster Unionist Cecil Walker.

But in the early hours of Friday it was announced Mr Dodds had been defeated by Sinn Fein’s John Finucane, who received 23,078 votes to Mr Dodds’s 21,135.

Mr Finucane said the result showed North Belfast – which had always been a unionist seat – “rejects Brexit”.

Mr Dodds, who studied law at Cambridge University, was key in negotiations between his party and both Mr Johnson’s and Theresa May’s governments in the run up to agreeing a deal with the EU.

Former London mayoral candidate Zac Goldsmith

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Media captionGovernment minister Zac Goldsmith loses Richmond Park to Lib Dems

Conservative Zac Goldsmith lost his Richmond Park seat to the Liberal Democrats, in the pro-Remain party’s first gain of the night.

Mr Goldsmith had expected to to struggle against the Lib Dems’ Sarah Olney – who held the seat between a 2016 by-election and the 2017 general election.

And those fears were confirmed when it was announced Ms Olney, who beat Mr Goldsmith in 2016, had received 34,559 votes.

Mr Goldsmith, a now ex-minister at the Department for Environmental, Food and Rural Affairs, got 26,793 votes.

A former London mayoral candidate, he won the seat in the 2017 election by just 45 votes – a 0.1% majority.

Shadow secretary of state for employment rights Laura Pidcock

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A number of commentators had called 32-year-old Laura Pidcock a future leader of the Labour Party.

But she lost her seat of Durham North West to the Conservatives.

In 2017, her majority was more than 8,000. But this time around, the Tory candidate, Richard Holden, won the vote by 1,144.

Ms Pidcock, who previously worked for campaign group Show Racism The Red Card, was recently tipped as a successor to deputy Labour leader Tom Watson and is a long-term ally to Jeremy Corbyn.

Her maiden speech criticising Commons traditions and hitting out at inequality was widely shared, while she has also spoken out about the environment – particularly since she became a mother in 2018.

Former justice secretary David Gauke

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David Gauke – justice secretary and work and pensions secretary in Mrs May’s government – is another big name to lose his seat overnight.

He played a major role in both David Cameron and Mrs May’s Conservative governments.

Like Mr Grieve, Mr Gauke was kicked out by Mr Johnson for trying to stop a no-deal Brexit in the Commons earlier this year.

He ran as an independent in his seat of Hertfordshire South West and gained a lot of praise for his amusing Twitter videos throughout the campaign.

However, it wasn’t enough, and while he secured almost 16,000 votes, his Tory successor, Gagan Mohindra, took more than 30,000.

Veteran Labour MP Dennis Skinner

Veteran Labour MP Dennis Skinner lost the seat of Bolsover to the Conservatives – with a swing of 11.5% away from Labour.

Mr Skinner had held the Derbyshire constituency since 1970.

Following Ken Clarke’s decision to step down as an MP at this election, Mr Skinner was in line to become the Father of the House – but that mantle now falls to Tory MP Peter Bottomley.

Original Article : HERE ;

from MetNews

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